Dr. Angela Patterson

media psychology
with a mission.

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areas of expertise

Researcher and writer

No matter what titles I may hold, I am first and foremost a writer. I’ve had an obsession with the written word since I could hold a pen. Much of my professional career has been devoted to writing across a number of platforms for diverse audiences. I was first bit with the research bug as a journalist, and developed a passion for it as a doctoral student. My work combines media studies, the psychology of religion and theology to produce rich insights on how people develop and grow their spiritual lives. I specialize in qualitative research, and use my journalism background to produce reports and findings that are relevant and accessible. See more of my work here.


Communications consultant

I am a communicator and media psychologist who supports spiritual and justice-oriented entities in their efforts to communicate and connect. I help clergy, nonprofit leads and other spiritual change-makers define their purpose, shape their stories and connect for individual and collective impact.

For spiritual communities, I partner with clergy and leaders to find their WHY, define their culture and core offerings, and create communication strategy that weaves together media theory, psychology and theology for maximum impact. I also guide faith leaders through culture and communication coaching.

I guide nonprofit leaders in cultivating their value proposition, defining their target audiences and using narrative and visual storytelling to share their messages of impact to the world.

I help communicators in for-profit and nonprofit spaces learn how to partner with stakeholders and devise media psychology-guided strategy that can change organizational culture and communication.

If you need transformative communications for your organization, let’s work together.


Spiritual coach & facilitator

I spent many years doing spiritual growth work on my own, investing time and resources into guided meditation, books, workshops and more to learn about different paths to healing and wholeness. As a writer, journaling was one of the most therapeutic methods I used to connect with myself, heal broken places, and discover the depths of my spiritual life. I use my extensive studies in psychology, family systems, childhood trauma and various healing modalities to help individuals identify where they are in their journey, find certain pain points or obstacles, and use writing and other tools to help go within for answers. This work can take place in 1:1 sessions or in group workshops. For coaching and workshop facilitation, let’s talk to confirm I’m the right fit for your needs.


ready to connect?

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